Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Welcome to the Cover to Cover Blog!

Cover to Cover continues its quest for literary world domination with the advent of the Cover to Cover blog.
Through this online communication tool I hope to keep fans of the program, and those interested in Georgia writers and their books, up-to-date on what's happening in the world of Georgia letters.
Because Cover to Cover is a monthly show, there's much that happens that is old news by the time the next show comes around. Through my postings on this blog, I can pass along news about authors around the state, new books that have come across my desk, and juicy gossip from my "embedded sources," (well, two out of three!).
In the last year we've taken great pains to make Cover to Cover more accessible on more platforms in order to reach a broader audience.
Not only can you listen to the monthly over the air broadcasts on your radio the last Sunday of the month at 8PM, you can also listen to past shows on your computer at your leisure as each broadcast is archived on the website for on-demand listening.
In the fall of 2006 we began offering a weekly Cover to Cover podcast available for download from the GPB website (www.gpb.org). As Cover to Cover has been on the air now for almost 10 years, there's an extensive archive of past programs to draw from for each podcast.
And now our latest innovation is the videotaping of each show. The first videotaped edition was the April 2007 edition which featured author Jackie K. Cooper and his most recent book, The Bookbinder. You can watch the program on the website; it's archived exactly as the audio would be.
Videographer Raegan Hodge has done a fantastic job of turning what could be a tedious fixed camera shoot of me and Jackie into an hour-long production that is visually engaging, even surprising, and her genius is laid bare for all to see!
Take a look at the video version of the April 2007 show and see what you think.
Welcome to the Cover to Cover blog. I hope you'll come back often to read these postings, and I hope you'll tune in and maybe even call in during a live show sometime soon!
And remember...home is where your books are.