Thursday, July 19, 2007

Karin Gillespie's Dollar Daze

This month's Cover to Cover (July 29, 8PM), features Augusta author Karin Gillespie (pictured left) and we'll be talking and taking your calls about the third volume in her Bottom Dollar Girls series, Dollar Daze: The Bottom Dollar Girls in Love (Simon & Schuster, 2006).

Karin's Bottom Dollar Girls series is set in the fictional town of Cayboo Creek, South Carolina, and follows the high jinks of the "girls" who work at the Bottom Dollar Emporium. The Bottom Dollar Girls are "the kind of Steel Magnolias who would make Scarlett O'Hara envious" (Atlanta Journal Constitution). Dollar Daze asks the age-old question, "Is it ever too late to find one's heart's desire?" as the ladies of Cayboo Creek are blindsided by schoolgirl flights of fancy when unexpected romance enters their lives.

Here's how the publisher describes Dollar Daze:

Moons and Junes are the flavors of the month for the Bottom Dollar Girls, whose sudden fondness for wooing and cooing has them in a Dollar Daze. From the night of the Sweetheart Dance, love begins blooming all over Cayboo Creek. Attalee, soda jerk at the Bottom Dollar Emporium, and her beau Dooley seem headed for the altar via Thrill Hill. But Elizabeth is pining for her newlywed days when she felt more like a wife than a mother, while widowed Mavis has been up nights nursing a case of loneliness. Not so for newspaper woman Birdie. "I'm glad my dating days are done," she claims, and Gracie Tobias agrees that she, too, is "done with romance." They couldn't be more wrong.
Karin says these infectious women, Attalee, Mavis, Gracie Tobias and Elizabeth, are "as Southern as crowder peas and Jimmy Dean sausage. My characters eat cathead biscuits. They shop at the Winn-Dixie, drink their sweet tea under the shade of a magnolia, and know that "shagging" means dancing to the Swinging Medallions."

The first two books in the Bottom Dollar Girls series are Bet Your Bottom Dollar and A Dollar Short.

Born in Minnesota, Karin moved with her family to the South when she was 13. Her given name is pronounced "CAR-in," and before she turned to writing she was special education teacher at an inner-city school, and a magazine editor. She married to David and has a son named Brandon.

To find out more about Karin, visit her website,, and tune in for this month's Cover to Cover July 29 at 8PM.